Saturday, May 14, 2011


1. You steal music and use some stupid name like Lazyrebel or Harlan or Wurlitzer.
2. Your excuse is that you're too POOR to afford dollar bin Ferlin Husky records!
3. You are such a loser all you want to do all day is download shit you'll never have time to hear.
4. You actually think George Jones wouldn't spit on you if you told him you "shared" his music.
5. You have nothing better to do than fuck up the lives of singers, songwriters, record store owners, and
    decent people who are trying to earn a buck by selling their out-of-print albums.
6. You are just another Jimmy Swaggart hillbilly con-artist asshole with a mean streak of greed.

The more stuff you get free, the less you buy. Son, that's a good way for this GREAT NATION to fall.

Our country relies on people being able to sell their goods. Our country was founded on the belief in HUMAN RIGHTS which includes COPYRIGHT. And guess what, "out of print" ain't the same as "public domain," peckerhead-trash, and when you throw the music around, it only means less of it gets back into print, less people make money, and your stupid in-bred kids will learn from you and be completely amoral date-raping lying, cheating, selfish, ignorant hillbilly asshole bastards. Have a nice day.